Okey, this is my first “serious” game made with flash.:snug:
Its very simple, but I think its still quite fun. Im quite happy with the design and all, but I want your opinion on it. What do you think? Don’t be afraid to hit me hard:krazy:
btw: its called SuperMaze, and the are instructions! (in english)
Nice work… although you can just right click then click on the dot you forgot to add the script to make it “follow” the mouse not just go where it is. other than that nice.
Pretty slick, yeah make the change that Templarian suggested (I would never have noticed that) and a way to replay the last level and I’d say you’ve got something pretty cool here. The little Drop Shadow/Glow adds a nice touch.
I think he means something like that, possibly with not quite so much lag behind. You might think about ramping up the difficulty a bit more slowly too, oh and level 5 seems harder than level 6 to me, just my opinion. So when are there going to be more levels?
hmm okey. I don’t know about the levels. When I get time. hehe. Haven’t worked on the game for weeks now, I get really tired when I work with one thing day in and day out. I loose inspiration you might say. But I may add some more levels and recreate it very soon…