A little help with AS3 links and a video component

EDITED: Just in case, I uploaded the files in a zip file, this because I don’t know exactly where to place things, but the areas where I’m having problems are in the library under a folder called Page Movie and the movie clip is one named all content, videos are on frames 2 and 3 and button that should open a new window on frame 8. The files are located here: http://thenewmediastudio.com/roland/Roland.zip

Hi there everybody, good evening!

Wondering if someone can give me a hand with this, I really suck on AS3 and at the moment of the AS Update I was starting to understand a few things about AS2, so now I’m a little bit confused and intimidated with a few things, see, I’m working on a friend’s templated flash site, he asked me to add a few things and now I’m having some problems listed below: - using flash cs5 -

The website is reachable here: http://thenewmediastudio.com/roland/

1.- On HARD TIME GENERATIONS and WHAT IS CAA those 2 screens have videos, but if you are watching a video and then move to another tab, for example, SPONSORS the video is still playing in the back, if you go back to the video and click on play you’ll hear the sound overlapping the old sound, those videos are working with a FLBPlayback component, my question is, how to stop it when you are trying to reach other areas of the website?

2.- On SPONSORS, there’s a text and then a simple button, that button should open another browser window but is not working, I tried and trid everything and still is not working, my code there on that frame is the following:

img0.numImages = 0;
MovieClip(root).program.contactFormAction(contactForm, contactForm.clearButton, contactForm.submitButton, 3);

//1.Button event listener
ElBoton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openurl);

//2.The openurl function which opens a URL.
function openurl(event:MouseEvent):void {
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“sponsors.html”);
navigateToURL(url, “_blank”);

The first 6 lines of code is what comes with the template, the rest is the code for the open browser window but again, is not working, I checked my button and its instance name, checked if there’s a problem with opening a browser window but at the bottom of the template there’s 2 buttons that open external windows so is not a browser problem but something I’m doing wrong.

At then end I decided to come here and ask for help, hope somebody can share a litlle bit of knowledge and give me a hand,

Thanks a lot guys!
