A little help with some 'zoom code'

Hey everybody

I’m kinda stuck right now, and I was hoping someone could give me some advise on how to get this to work.

I’ve got the following AS (applied to a movieclip) for my little zoom function:

onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (k>0) {
zoom = true;
dir == 1 ? (dir=-1) : (dir=1);
if (dir == 1) {
pt = {x:_root._xmouse, y:_root._ymouse};
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!zoom) {
_root._xscale += dir*k*50/8;
_root._yscale += dir*k*50/8;
var pt2 = {x:pt.x, y:pt.y};
_root._x -= (pt2.x-pt.x);
_root._y -= (pt2.y-pt.y);
if (k == 12) {
zoom = false;
k = 0;

The thing is, that I wan’t it to zoom ONLY when the movieclip is clicked, and not just when clicked on the stage…!? :expressionless:

Hope you guys understand my question - any help would be nice!