A moment of brainfreeze.. AS3 - BitmapData with a alpha mask?

If my title ain’t clear enough, I’ve got two bitmapData sheets with an image, one being the actual image, and the other image having the same structure, but all areas being visible are black, and all transparent areas being completely white.

So far I’ve been playing around with:

var bitmap:BitmapData = Bitmap( new bitmapSheet() ).bitmapData; // The embeded bitmap
var bitmapAlpha:BitmapData = Bitmap( new bitmapSheetAlpha() ).bitmapData; // The embeded alpha bitmap

bitmap.draw( bitmapAlpha, null, null, BlendMode.ALPHA ); // I figured this might work, but nah.
bitmap.copyPixels( bitmap, bitmap.rect, new Point(), bitmapAlpha, new Point() ); // Figured this might work aswell, but nah
// After some searching I figured this might work
bitmap.copyChannel( bitmapAlpha, bitmapAlpha.rect, new Point(), BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA );
// But I failed again :(

So, if anyone may, could you undo my bad day and replace it with a good one? (Enlighten me with the solution!)

Thank you