So, I’ve been saddled with a Flash project at work. They plopped MX2004 on my PC and told me to go at it. I have a modicum of Shockwave experience from years ago. That’s it.
The main movie was done in RoboDemo5, so that was easy. I also got a preloader working (the file is 2.4MB).
So now I need to add a button at the end that will close the popup window the movie is loaded in. Done. I know about the getURL and that works. The issue is that the button component I’ve dragged to the screen shows up as a button in development, but when I export and run the movie, it’s just a rectangle.
Also, I’ve placed a stop(); on a frame before the end of the movie, in an attempt to pause the movie on the last frame. But the movie ends, and goes white. How can I stop this?
So, my questions are how do I make the button component look like an actual button? and how can I hold the frame? stop() doesn’t seem to work.
Yes, I’ve done some searching. But since I have really no Flash experience at all, a lot of it is even above my head.
Did I mention they want this done YESTERDAY? GAH! :huh: