Alright so heres the deal:
I have a movie clip that is played in one frame of scene1. The movie clip is a 800X200 clip that consists of 5 images… each 160X200.
What the movie clip does is it shows the first image on the horizontal line for a second or two, then it fades out, and then the next image fades in for a second or two, etc… It shows a girl walking along a wall.
What I need to know how to do is… when you put your curser over any of the slots where the pictures are/were, I want the movie clip to stop until the curser is moved and I want an image to show where the curser is. (Ex. if the curser moves over the first image, I want the first image to be shown and the rest of them to stop popping up until the curser is off of the flash movie). Can anyone help me with how to do this? I’m rather newbish to flash and any help would be great.
Thanks in advance.