A pretty simple question

Ok, so I’m a webdesign student and I’m really new to actionscripting as a whole. I know very basic elements of it but I’m still learning. I have a question in regards to a falling snow effect tutorial that I just did on kirupa (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/flash8/snow.htm). I completed the tutorial with no problems. The thing is, I want to add one more really blurred snow particle to this to get more of an effect like this (http://www.istockphoto.com/file_closeup/nature/winter/1144440-vector-snow.php?id=1144440). Sounds easy enough right. Well I went back through the tutorial, made another snow particle and added the linkage to it, but when I go into my code in actionscript I can never get the particle to show up. Actually any time I adjust the code to add in the other particle no snow falls at all. I’m kinda stumped on what I’m doing wrong. It’s probably like a dumb error but I’m really kinda lost as to what it could be. I’ve played around and broke the code up several different ways, yet I can seem to get it… Sooo, if someone would be so kinda as to help me and point out whats wrong in my code for this to not work, and kinda explain what I was doing wrong I’d really appreciate it.

This is the code I’m currently working from. I basically just copied the entire function and for loop from the original code, gave it a different name, and replaced the solid snow particle with “blursnow”.

init = function () {
    width = 600;
    // pixels 
    height = 500;
    // pixels 
    max_snowsize = 10;
    // pixels 
    snowflakes = 70;
    // quantity 
    for (i=0; i<snowflakes; i++) {
        t = attachMovie("snow", "snow"+i, i);
        t._alpha = 20+Math.random()*60;
        t._x = -(width/2)+Math.random()*(1.5*width);
        t._y = -(height/2)+Math.random()*(1.5*height);
        t._xscale = t._yscale=50+Math.random()*(max_snowsize*10);
        t.k = 1+Math.random()*2;
        t.wind = -1.5+Math.random()*(1.4*3);
        t.onEnterFrame = mover;

mover = function() {
    this._y += this.k;
    this._x += this.wind;
    if (this._y>height+10) {
        this._y = -20;
    if (this._x>width+20) {
        this._x = -(width/2)+Math.random()*(1.5*width);
        this._y = -20;
    } else if (this._x<-20) {
        this._x = -(width/2)+Math.random()*(1.5*width);
        this._y = -20;

/* this is the part of the code I added. I just copied and pasted
from above and switched out the function name and "snow"*/

init2 = function () {
    width = 600;
    // pixels 
    height = 500;
    // pixels 
    max_snowsize = 10;
    // pixels 
    snowflakes = 70;
    // quantity 
    for (i=0; i<snowflakes; i++) {
        t = attachMovie("blursnow", "blursnow"+i, i);
        t._alpha = 20+Math.random()*60;
        t._x = -(width/2)+Math.random()*(1.5*width);
        t._y = -(height/2)+Math.random()*(1.5*height);
        t._xscale = t._yscale=50+Math.random()*(max_snowsize*10);
        t.k = 1+Math.random()*2;
        t.wind = -1.5+Math.random()*(1.4*3);
        t.onEnterFrame = mover;

mover = function() {
    this._y += this.k;
    this._x += this.wind;
    if (this._y>height+10) {
        this._y = -20;
    if (this._x>width+20) {
        this._x = -(width/2)+Math.random()*(1.5*width);
        this._y = -20;
    } else if (this._x<-20) {
        this._x = -(width/2)+Math.random()*(1.5*width);
        this._y = -20;