A ROTATION script - modification HELP

Hello everyone!

I’ve got on the web some code of nice rotating objects from xml file. But I need to make, that when you mouse over one object, the rotation get stopped. I don’t know exactly how to do it, so I’m asking for your help. Pasting bellow the code and URL example of the animation.THank you, so much!

import mx.utils.Delegate;

var numOfItems:Number;
var radiusX:Number = 300;
var radiusY:Number = 120;
var centerX:Number = 575;
var centerY:Number = 380;
var speed:Number = 0.01;
var perspective:Number = 130;
var home:MovieClip = this;

var tooltip:MovieClip = this.attachMovie("tooltip","tooltip",10000);
tooltip._alpha = 0;

var xml:XML = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;

xml.onLoad = function()
    var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes;
    numOfItems = nodes.length;
    for(var i=0;i<numOfItems;i++)
        var t = home.attachMovie("item","item"+i,i+1);
        t.angle = i * ((Math.PI*2)/numOfItems);
        t.onEnterFrame = mover;
        t.toolText = nodes*.attributes.tooltip;
        t.goTo = nodes*.attributes.naslov;
        t.icon.onRollOver = over;
        t.icon.onRollOut = out;
        t.icon.onRelease = released;

function over()
    home.tooltip.tipText.text = this._parent.toolText;
    home.tooltip._x = this._parent._x;
    home.tooltip._y = this._parent._y - this._parent._height/2 ;
    home.tooltip.onEnterFrame = Delegate.create(this,moveTip);
    home.tooltip._alpha = 100;

function out()
    delete home.tooltip.onEnterFrame;
    home.tooltip._alpha = 0;

function released()

function moveTip()
    home.tooltip._x = this._parent._x;
    home.tooltip._y = this._parent._y - this._parent._height/2;


function mover()
    this._x = Math.cos(this.angle) * radiusX + centerX;
    this._y = Math.sin(this.angle) * radiusY + centerY;
    var s = (this._y - perspective) /(centerY+radiusY-perspective);
    this._xscale = this._yscale = s*100;
    this.angle += this._parent.speed;
    this.swapDepths(Math.round(this._xscale) + 100);

URL: http://www.2-gofast.com