A simple contrast on main flash(swf) decompiler/extractors

As a flash designer, I have encountered times that I need to get elements from inside a shockwave flash, while before , it is impossible to get those resources from a finished flash,…now ,thanks to these flash decompilers, we can easily extract almost every elements(even the codes!) and re-design them into our own ?

Pls note: this is only my personal experience and does not stand for any official declaration.


(1)Flash Decompiler 2.0(Eltima) http://www.eltima.com/products/flashdecompiler/

(2)SWF Decompiler 2005(Sothink) http://www.sothink.com/flashdecompiler/

(3)Action Script Viewer 4.0(Manitu) http://www.buraks.com/asv/

(4)Imperator FLA 2.0 (AVE?) http://www.ave-imperator.com/index.php


Application Size: (1), (2) >2.5MB
(3), (4) <1MB

Export FLA: (1), (2), (4)

Action Script 2.0 Analyse: (2), (3)

Support Flash Components: (2), (3), (4)

Speed of SWF Analyse: (2)>(3)>(1)>(4)

Speed of FLA Exportation: (2)>(1)>(3)>(4)

User-friendly Interface: (1)>(2)>(4)>(3)

Resource Exportation: similar, but (4)do not support single element exportation

Etc.: (2)has built-in IE Add-in Flash Catcher

As this is only my opinion, I won’t give much comments on all these four SWs, right now I’m using the Sothink one?:slight_smile:

It’s my pleasure if you e-mail me for further discussion on these SWs.

[email protected]