Hey guys, I’ve got a situation that should be easy, but isn’t turning out that way. I’d like to know if there’s a better way to approach it. I’ve attached a cut-down fla so you can see what I’m doing.
I’ve got an area that, when you rollOver, tweens out a group of menu items.
These menu items change colour when you mouseover.
When you rollOut of the whole area, the menu tweens back.
It seemed like the most simple thing to do, but it keeps giving me trouble! What I’ve got at the moment is an invisible symbol over the top of the rollOver area, including where the menu sits. The menu items are individual buttons for the mouseOver effect. I’ve got a full page invisible area (my standard technique - I call it “blockout”) sitting right at the back, so when you rollover that (and off of the invisible area) the menu tweens off.
I can’t just use rollOut invisible area because hovering over the buttons triggers that response and causes the menu to tween off.
I’ve had to do plenty of similar things for work (apparently ‘basic flash’ to them meant I can do complex AS-based apps), and just tend to use my blockout method, but now that it’s my own site, I’d like to do it right!
If anyone knows a better way to do it, I’m all ears! Thanks!