Think you know your State Phlags?
go ahead, take the test
I got 8/10… I missed one in the Midwest, and one in the South…
have fun!
Think you know your State Phlags?
go ahead, take the test
I got 8/10… I missed one in the Midwest, and one in the South…
have fun!
not to shabbeh!
I’ve always been kind of a Phlag nut…
there is a lot of symbolism, history, and humor in phlags…
maybe we should make a Kirupalvania phlag…
9/12 isn’t bad…
which ones did you miss?
The one about South Carolina, Ohio, and Washington
Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**Looks like Im the underachiever in the group; :(
pj **
what else is new?
careful about swelling there Phil…
that’s what got you in trouble with the Boy Scouts…
ugh! I’m disgusted to say I managed to get as many as 5/12!
gouges out his eyes :dead:
yup, i got 5/12 too, meh, give us a uk’er phlag contest anyday and we’d get it right…seeing as there are only like 4…
I got 11/12, I always liked geography class
so which did you miss?
I missed oHIo, thought it was Oklahoma.
yes, but they don’t live in the USA…
what has that to say about the poor quality of 70’s MidWest Shools?
9/12 I missed Wyoming, Washington, and Hawaii. I didn’t recognize many of them but the clues made it a whole lot easier.
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