A unique hit test

Can I use shapeflag in a creative method to track hittests of multiple stragely-shaped movie clips? My case is a simple one; one movie clip is a line, and the other can be any of a wide variety of shapes. Now I’d say it’s unreasonable to check every single pixel on one shape with each pixel one the other.

Just for the purpose of typing forum code, let’s say that the shape MC needs to use removeMovieClip(); when touching the line.

My backup plan is to insert into the line movie clip a single blank mc, which moves itself up the line and checks for a hittest with the shape MC each time. Seems okay, but I’d probably sacrifice a little speed that way.

Note that this line rotates regularly in its environment. A ‘hotspot’ hittest won’t do it . . . until someone else figures it out, I’m going to have to wing it on this project (I have other things to do with it).

Thanks in advance, even though I’ll thank you again later.