

Really nice art work on the site, seems like there is some handy dandy little air apps, I hope to see more indie developers using Air for some simple desktop apps.

maybe we can have a separate air forum?

Has anybody had a look at a.viary.com lately ?

I just got my account (beta) and are now testing Phoenix (image editor) and Peacock (pattern maker) - the only ones I have access to atm. I´m trying to find some bugs so I can “earn” myself some more tools :wink:

Which tools do you guys use/have access to ? What do you think of them ?

[whisper]Still got 2 more invites should anyone be interested. Just PM me your email.[/whisper]

I think they’re ok, but there’s a few things that are lacking in Peacock that prevent me from ever actually using it to do something import.

Phoenix is way too complex for me to even bother with, though some of the stuff people making with it is awesome.