Ok, this will probably sound really lame, but I was trying to fix a problem with a site i’m maintaining (long story, but I needed to change the root folder of the site…don’t ask) and I had to move all the pictures from one folder, to another.
Something went wrong, and now all the pictures on the site aren’t showing up at all. I realize that after changing the root folder, I’d have to go through the whole site and make sure all the paths are correct, but so far on the index page and home page, even after editing and re-uploading the files, it’s still all messed up. (well, picture-less, the text is still there)
I think i’m going to cry. :crying:
And it doesn’t help that my internet connection is really spotty right now and slow… and uploading anything is slower than molasses in january.
If someone could help me, I’d appreciate it. I have other things that i’ve neglected to do today that need to be done, and I wasn’t expecting this nightmare to happen.