Wow - this site really is awesome!! The navigation, the cool banner that displays new images near the top is very good The only problem is that any pixel fonts that are scrolled have a tendency to get blurred when the user stops on a non-pixel value while scrolling.
One thing i found kinda annoying, is when you switch the nav (by the way great idea ) and you mouse over a bubble , it follows your mouse, when i went back to switch the nav again the bubble was still following my mouse, so yeah maybe make a safe area or something around the switch butt , other than that, nice site
Raf buddy did you use a preloader??? if you did it isnt working im on 56k and ive been waitign a bit like 2 minutes, put a preloader buddy other than that the site is great
yeah, I did a preloader… but it was something thrown together, and my connections at home and at work are fast… so I can’t notice the preloader… I have to check that it’s working right. I had a feeling it wasnt.
ya its not working buddy what you could do is emulate a 56k connection in flash by pressing ctrl enter two times and you will see exactly how the site behaves on a 56k connection
yeah you could do that, or you could switch on show streaming,
test your movie and on the tabs above go to View/show streaming and you can select what type of connection you want to test by going to debug menu.
Raf, looks very nice
One thing that happened to me was that the “home” button got stuck on the view it turns into when the mouse is over it. I don’t know if I’m just a moron and I broke your pretty work or if it’s something that can be fixed. My favorite part is how I’m under “cool people” in the links.