About Custom Events

I have some difficulties using custom event listeners.

What I would like to achieve is pretty simple. With a bunch of movable fruits, when dragging one of them(this becomes the ‘active’ object) to collide with others(these are the ‘inactive objects’), I need Flash to tell me who is colliding whom.

So I setup the Fruit Class, with the ability to dispatch and listen the custom event: “EXECUTE_HITTEST”. For me the code looks good, but there’s must be something wrong…

It should be a very simple thing like forgotten to setup something, but owing to my skinny Flash skills, just can’t figure it out.

The current setup snapshot is here, while the full .fla & .as source can be downloaded [URL=“http://www.driveway.com/v4j4e3x3k3”]here. (also bundled with this post below)

The complete Fruit.as is also bundled here for convenience:

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.events.Event;
    public class Fruit extends MovieClip
        public function Fruit()
        private function initListeners():void
            this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHdlr);
            this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHdlr);
            //setup the default collision detection listener
            this.addEventListener("EXCUTE_HITTEST", executeHitTestHdlr);
        private function mouseDownHdlr(e:MouseEvent)
            trace("====== " + this.name + " ======= mouse downed.");
            //temporarily disable the C.D. listener when the object becomes 'active'
            this.removeEventListener("EXCUTE_HITTEST", executeHitTestHdlr);
            //dispatch the "EXECUTE_HITTEST" event based on mouse-moving            
            this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHdlr);   
        private function mouseUpHdlr(e:MouseEvent)
            trace("====== " + this.name + " ======= mouse uped.");
            //restore the C.D. listener when the object becomes 'inactive'
            this.addEventListener("EXCUTE_HITTEST", executeHitTestHdlr);       
            //stop dispatching the "EXECUTE_HITTEST" event
            this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHdlr);               

        // the active object will dispatch the "EXECUTE_HITTEST" EVENT
        // when it gets moved
        private function mouseMoveHdlr(e:MouseEvent)
            dispatchEvent(new Event("EXCUTE_HITTEST"));
        //once inactive objects receive the event, they will do the C.D. checking
        private function executeHitTestHdlr(e:Event):void
            // this= inactive obj.
            // e.target = active obj.
            trace("----in executeHitTestHdlr-----");
            trace("e.target= " + e.target + " name: " + e.target.name); //active obj.
            trace("this= "     + this     + " name: " + this.name);     //inactive obj.
            if (e.target is Fruit)
                trace(this.hitTestObject(e.target as Fruit));            

    } //EOB class
} //EOB pkg

T.I.A. :egg: