Hey, all. I’m a n00b to the world of Flash, but I’m learning fast. I’m currently working for a PC Gaming company called Valhalla Games and have taken an active interest in Flash since I was contracted to design a company website. The website, which will be up shortly at www.valhallagames.com, will most definitely be just an initial version as I am still learning Flash and understand that there will be much improvement needed on the page after it’s debut.
Anyway, I wanted to include a photo gallery on the website of screenshots from our various 3D Models and some promotional artwork so I began searching for tutorials on the topic. The Kirupa Photo Gallery tutorial was great and given that I’m proficient in C++ and Java I didn’t really have much trouble visually parsing the code and figuring out what was going on. However, I did notice one problem, albeit a newbie problem, that I thought needed adressed: When I loaded the photos into my Flash movie, I noticed that they were not at all within the boundaries of my created movie clip. After an admitted couple of days (lol) I finally figured out that I needed to move the registration point (the centered “circular” figure in any Flash symbol) of my photo gallery movie clip to the very top left corner of the clip. This is because the images load in using screen coordinates and not the cartesian coordinate system we are all accustomed to thanks to high school math. Remember that the pictures will load in with their top-left corner at the registration point, or (0, 0) in screen coordinates.