About ur' TUT

hello i was cheking your tutorial section Special effects…
and saw the mouse follow easing… found it very intersting very cool
my question is ,.
how can i use that on a menu…

i have 3 buttons as my main menu

1               2                3

and on top of those i want a little ball and when i make a rollover on menu 2 ( for example ) i want that little ball to go on top of menu #2… but not follow the mouse if i dont rollover those menuss… hope you understand what i am saying, if not , send me a pM…
thanks !!!

turn the follow behavior on and off with a variable
on rollover and rollout for the buttons.

hey thanks alot thats what i want !!!

Maybe dis will help
:slight_smile: Looks like clownstaples was faster than me lol