Abstract Trig Problem

Okay so I’m out of the country at the moment (visiting the old US of A…Colordo Springs if anyone is interested) and I’ve been pondering a flash problem I had back home.

I’m creating a game (as usual) and I’m using trig in a function to turn characters to face certain points (for example to face the mouse pointer). I have no trouble getting a movieclip to face a screen coordinate. What I want to do is get a movieclip to slowly rotate to face a point. “That should be simple” I hear you cry. But so far the characters rotate in crazy patterns that look kinda cool but fairly unrealistic. The problem arises (I think) because of the way that flash deals with degrees of rotation. FOR EXAmPLE: It believes the quickest way to get from 270degrees to 0degrees is to subtract 1degree each frame, when any bright spark will see that it would be better to add 1degree each frame until it reached 360degrees.

Now I understand that it would help if i could include a .fla of what the heck I’m talking about but I’m away from my computer.

I was wondering if anyone had had the same problem and found a solution.

Thankyou for wading through this post dear people!