I’m currently working on implementing in AS3 my AS2 Fullscreen Browser Crossfading Slideshow.
Its pretty much all done, everything works fine. However I am mindful of the amount of memory it uses. Because it is loading in such large images 1920*1200 etc the amount of memory it can use before the garbage collector makes a sweep can hit 80 megs. Is this too much, or is it something I’m just going to have to accept?
I’m pretty sure I’m managing to set all my objects for garbage collection, removing them, setting them to null, removing their listeners and setting all var references to them to null.
Whats the least memory intensive approach for dealing with large bitmaps in Flash? Currently I access the loaders.content property as a bitmap, and use that data throughout the rest of my app.
Watching the garbage collector do its thing (via catching the System.totalMemory in various text boxes) and through the OSX activity monitor is pretty interesting.