Access Overriden Class of Child Domain

I’ve been working with loaded swfs whose application domain is a child of the loader’s current domain.

var appDom:ApplicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);

Now in Senocular’s fantastic article on Application Domain, it states, "Child domain definitions, even if being overridden by the parent domain can still be accessed from the application domain directly through getDefinition which is covered in the [URL=“”]Getting Definitions Dynamically section."

I’ve read all through that article and any other information I could find on the application domain, and while I have been able to access the child domain’s classes, I have not been able to access the overridden classes.


The above code does get the child classes, but for overridden classes it gets the parent domain’s classes.

So how can I get access to those overridden child classes? Or is the article and Adobe documentation mistaken and the overridden child classes are not retained?

Thanks in advance.