Access text box in multiple movieclips?

hi all,
I am new to actionscript.
I have a movie clip (mc)in my library. The Movieclip has a dynamic text whose instance is “dynamic_txt”.

I need to create copies of movieclip and each dynamic_txt within that mc, want to assign a value.

for (i=1 , i< 20, i++) {
mymc = mc add i;

duplicatemovieclip(mc, mymc,10);

_level0.mymc.dynamic_txt.text = i


However, "_level0.mymc.dynamic_txt.text = i " is giving me compilation error.
will it be

_level0.[‘mymc’].dynamic_txt.text = i


_level0.‘mymc’.dynamic_txt.text = i

or anything else.

I have tried few combination and either its compilation error or not working as requried. Pls help.