Accessing child of a MovieClip...? AS3!

My problem is this;
I have my stage and on it is one MovieClip that contains another MovieClip… Now I have a document class calledMain. Here it is

 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.display.MovieClip;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
  // omg is the MovieClip that is directly on the stage
  public var omg:MovieClip;
  // lmao is the MovieClip that is inside omg on frame two
  public var lmao:Sprite;
  public function Main(){
   // go to frame two of omg where lmao is
   // try to alter a property of lmao

Well that pretty much summarizes my problem.
Personally, I prefer just having separate classes fo each object then bring them all together at compile-time, but someone I know had a problem with his game which had a lot of embeded movieclips already on the stage.

Can anyone explain to me how I could go about accessing the Sprite “lmao” which is on Frame 2 of the “omg” MovieClip?

I’m using flash 9 AS3 preview.