Accessing class objects via the name


I have a class name Contents I am creating 5 objects of this class. Is there a way to keep track of the instance names assigned to the objects. What I am doing is get all the objects of Contents class and make button out of these and when user clicks a button the I want to reterieve descrioption from Contents class but I dont have any mean of storing the instance name. I think I am not making any sense so here is some code

public class TestContent extends EventDispatcher
		//Class properties
		private var _desc:String;
		private static  var _children:Array = new Array();

		// Class Constructor
		public function TestContent(name:String, desc:String)
			// I want to store the name assigned to this object so I can use this later
                         this.instanceName = name;
			_desc = desc;
		public function get name():String
			return this.instanceName;
	    public function get desc():String
			return _desc;
            public static function getChildren():Array
			return _children;

So in another class I am using the number of objects of this class to create buttons

//Some other class

parentSprite:Sprite = new Sprite;
var mArray:Array = new Array;
mArray = TestContents.getChildren();

for (i = 0; i<mArray.length; i++)
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip(mArray*)
parentSprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClikc);

public function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void
// here I wanna use the instance name of the TestContents object to call the desc property

I hope I am making sense here

Thanks in advance