Accessing constructor variable from a function?

So, I’m trying to write a generic video player in AS3. I actually had it working perfectly when writing it on the stage in a frame. (so much easier!) Then I decided to convert it to a document class, that being a better coding practice and all.

My main issue now is this part in the constructor:

		// Create net connection and stream.
			var conn:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
			var  stream:NetStream = new NetStream(conn);;
			var  metaListener:Object = new Object();
			metaListener.onMetaData = theMeta;
			stream.client = metaListener;

			// Sound
			var  st:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform();
			stream.soundTransform = st;

			// Video
			var video:Video = new Video();

This is followed by a bunch of eventListeners. Several functions called by the eventListeners reference conn, stream and str, so the result is a whole bunch of 1120: Access of undefined property conn. errors. This is where I need the variables to go global.

I did attempt to move the variables above out of the function, but that gave me the following output, which leaves me even more lost.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at src.videoPlayer::videoPlayer()

Any help is deeply appreciated!