Accessing "global" variables between scenes?

So, I am in the process of converting my project to AS2.0 classes. I have several different scenes, where each scene is controlled by its own class. My question concerns how to best create some global code that all of these scene classes can share. I’m not talking about using subclassing, but rather setting up some global objects that will be persistent between scenes. Currently I set up this global code with a frame action that sets variables and objects on the _root timeline explicitly. This is a little sloppy, and will need to be changed anyway when I upgrade to AS3.0.

For example, I use an XMLSocket object that needs to be used in all scenes, but the state of it must be maintained. Can I initialize the XMLSocket in its own class and have it remain accessible? What happens when an object that contains this XMLSocket object loses scope because we move to a new scene where the class no longer exists?

It seems that I want to make these objects STATIC, but I’m confused – Is that my only option? Can I create an object and have it continue to exist throughout other scenes? Thanks for any tips!