Hey, hope this isn’t too simple for everyone, its sure hard enough for me.
Ok I have a swf that uses attachMovie to load the main swf after preloading. This main swf is loaded on level 0.
Inside this I am calling a swf into the main timeline with loadMovie(“site.swf”, 0). But, i am using the same method inside the external swf (attachMovie) to load the movie after preloading.
So things are setup like this
Preload (attachmovie) Maintimeline.swf
<in main timeline> Click to call external swf into maintimeline.swf using loadMovie.
(this loaded swf uses the same preloader as the maintimeline.swf (attachmovie).
Everything loads fine, but I cant figure out how to access the maintimeline from the external swf(which loads itself using attachMovie + preloader). I want to click a button in the external swf and have it change the frame of a movieclip in the maintimeline.
Seems like a mess to me. I think i must have to use a more simple preloader for the external swf that way I can cutout the additional layering/levels. But if I can keep the preloader I would like to.
Anything helps. Thanks!