Accessing property of child of a display object

i need some help to understand how to access a property of a child of a DisplayObject.

within a class i have an object with the variable name: btnLMain
i have assigned it a name property: = “btnLMain”;
btnLMain also has a property: btnLMain.clickNum = 0; // thats the one i need to access
when i instantiate the class (btnL) containing this code in the parent class i need to access the property “clickNum” so i did this:

var dispObj:DisplayObject = btnL.getChildByName(btnLMain);

but then i get the error: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property clickNum through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.

so then i reviewed documentation and from what i understand i am not able to access the property of the child of the DisplayObject as it is a static property… please correct me if i’m wrong.

so now i am trying to figure out how to access that property in the child Class.

do you have any advice for me?
