Accessing window component content

hi, this is driving me nuts.
i am trying to write text to two label components that i have inside of a movie clip which is used as the contentpath for a window component i am instantiating through the mx.managers.PopUpManager class.

the movie clip instance in the library is: mc_UploadComplete
the linkage name for that movie clip is the same:

here’s the code i’m using:

var mc_UploadComplete = mx.managers.PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, mx.containers.Window, false, { title:"Complete!", closeButton:true, contentPath:"mc_UploadComplete" });

// create listener object:
var windowListener:Object = new Object();
windowListener.complete = function(eventObj):Void {
  mc_UploadComplete._x = 65;
  mc_UploadComplete._y = 2;
  mc_UploadComplete.setSize(470, 120);
  // write text to lbl_FilesUploaded:
  _root.mc_UploadComplete.content.lbl_FilesUploaded.text = uploadRefList.fileList.length + " file(s) uploaded.";

  // write text to lbl_TotalSize:
  _root.mc_UploadComplete.content.lbl_TotalSize.text = uploadRefList.fileList.length + " file(s) uploaded.";

// click listener:    = function(eventObj:Object):Void {
// attach event listeners:
mc_UploadComplete.addEventListener("complete", windowListener);
mc_UploadComplete.addEventListener("click", windowListener);

Basically, i can’t update the text in the label components on the stage in mc_UploadComplete which is driving me nuts because as far as i can tell… this code should be working… no exceptions are thrown and the livedocs i’ve been poring over for hours don’t mention anything different… i think it might be a depth issue… dunno?

any help would be greatly appreciated!