[font=verdana, arial, helvetica][size=2]okay, so i fiugred out how to use “if” case statements for a movie clip that is a dynamic button.
now the only problem is that when i use the “if” statements on my movie clip, it doesn’t make the button kill the sound like it’s supposed to.
i’m not sure what is conflicting with what.
here is how i have it set up:
on the movie clip i have this to see if the audio is on or not and to tell the movie clip to go to a certian frame:
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.firstSound = “true”) {
} else {
that works just fine and dandy.
here’s what i have for make making the sound stop and having the MC make it look like it in it’s “off” state:
on (release) {
on (release) {
[/indent] just so i’m making it clear, the code that is posted above is on an invisible button within the MC. i’m not sure if that matters or not.
the overall odd thing is that the MC was working in turning off the sound before i put the case statment in there. now, the case statment works, the button goes to it’s off state, but it doesn’t turn off the sound.
any suggestions?[/size][/font]