I am new flash and action script and wanted to complete a very simple task in flash 3.Basically i have my xml document of recipes which i have shown below:
Basically thisxml is an external file which i load into my flash file. All i want to to do is loop through the xml and ouput the valuesin each of the tags. Couldsomeone please helpme on this.I knowi have to use arays but can not find nocode examples.Any help would be much appreciated. I have also included the code i have in my fla file currently:
//new xml code
import flash.events.*;
import fl.controls.TextInput;
import fl.controls.TextArea;
import flash.text.TextField;
import fl.events.ComponentEvent;
var output:String="";
//the variable to load the data from the XML file
var urlLoader:URLLoader=new URLLoader();
//create the variable for storing the XML data
var recipes_xml:XML;
//the variable to hold the location of the URL for the XML file
var urlRequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest(“recipes.xml”);
//loading of XML completed
function completeLoading(event:Event):void {
//when loading of XML completed, the data
//can go into the internal variable of type XML
recipes_xml=new XML(urlLoader.data);
//new code
//display the XML object recipes_xml as a text
//inside text area myxml_ta
As shown in the above code i can get my textboxes to populate with the full xml but just want to be able to display the values in ALL the nodes. Any help would be appreciated.
PS: This is my first post so i hope this forum helps.
Many thanks in advance