Hi all,
I started my site from a flash template that loads its pages from the library (the pages are not on the time line).In this template there are 5 buttons in the first page (main) that link to the pages from the library.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]The action script that links the original buttons to the pages(in the library) is :
[LEFT]on (rollOver) {[/LEFT]
[LEFT] gotoAndPlay(“s1”);[/LEFT]
[LEFT]on (releaseOutside, rollOut) {[/LEFT]
[LEFT] gotoAndPlay(“s2”);[/LEFT]
[LEFT]on (release) {[/LEFT]
[LEFT] gotoAndStop(“studio”);[/LEFT]
[LEFT](BTW, S1 and S2 are in a layer which roles over the button when the mouse rolls over it)[/LEFT]
Up to here it all makes sense to me, Well sort of
[LEFT]Here comes my problem: [/LEFT]
[LEFT]I add a new keyframe on the main timeline with a new page and modified the action script of one of the original buttons to :
[LEFT]on (rollOver) {[/LEFT]
[LEFT] gotoAndPlay(“s1”);[/LEFT]
[LEFT]on (releaseOutside, rollOut) {[/LEFT]
[LEFT] gotoAndPlay(“s2”);[/LEFT]
[LEFT]on (release) {[/LEFT]
[LEFT] gotoAndStop(“page2”);[/LEFT]
[LEFT]For some the button will not link to the frame “page2”
[LEFT]What am I doing wrong here??
[LEFT](BTW, I created a new simple button(in the main page) with a simple script which worked fine.
[LEFT]on (release) {[/LEFT]
[LEFT] gotoAndStop(“page2”);[/LEFT]
[LEFT]I hope what I wrote here makes sense
[LEFT]Thanks :-)[/LEFT]