Action script scrolling partially working

Hello I have built a small program using AS 2.0 where you scroll through a list of products and click a button and it leads to a product video. EVERYTHING seems to be working except for the scrolling. I have a mask around the area of The Categories and when you scroll down they don’t scroll all the way. The categories scroll farther down then they do up and you can’t click on the rest of the buttons. I feel like I’m either missing something in my code or maybe made a mistake somewhere.


mc_inscroll.ease = 20;
mc_inscroll.onPress = function() {
startDrag(container, 0, container._x, _ymouse, container._x, 300);
container.drag = false;
//// reads where the mouse is
_global.conteudox1 = _root._xmouse;
_global.conteudoy1 = _root._ymouse;


container.onEnterFrame = function() {

if (mc_inscroll.drag == true) {
   mc_inscroll._x += (mc_inscroll.targX-mc_inscroll._x)/mc_inscroll.ease;
   mc_inscroll._y += (mc_inscroll.targY-mc_inscroll._y)/mc_inscroll.ease;
mc_inscroll.onRelease = function() {
mc_inscroll.drag = true;
_global.conteudox2 = _root._xmouse;
_global.conteudoy2 = _root._ymouse;

//speed of  the scrollage
mc_inscroll.targY = container._y+300;    
mc_inscroll.targY = container._y-300;    

mc_inscroll.onReleaseOutside = function() {
mc_inscroll.container.drag = false;

// mask