welcome to the Ragew0lf lecture 
this is basically the code I used to make my pointer move, there were 6 positions in total, this shows positioning for just one. This code was attached to a movie clip called “pointer” which was basically a movie which just contained the graphic of a pointer, I used actionscript to make it move around.
I stayed away from using this.value as if the code is attached attached to a singular movie clip it is unecessary, just makes things more complicated.
onClipEvent (load) { // this sets the starting position of everything
trip = 0; // trip is a value alterred when a button is pressed
rateOfChange = 7; // this is similar to your speed variable
_alpha = 0; // starting alpha value = 0
_x = 156; // starting x position (top right)
_y = -94; // starting y position (top)
_rotation = 0; // no rotation
// if the button located bottom left is pressed the following happens :
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (trip == 4) { // when the button is pressed its sets the value of trip to 4. my frame rate is 30fps,
//so 30 times a second its checking the entire code - is the value equal to 4, yes so does the following below =
_y = 95; // changes y position to 95 which is bottom
_rotation = 180; // want the pointer upwards so flips it
_alpha += rateOfChange; // the first time a button is pressed I want the pointer to fade in,
// the first time the clip was loaded the value was 0, so if this was the first button pressed the pointer will gradually fade in.
if (_alpha>93) { // rateOfChange = 7, 100 - 7 = 93, basically if its increasing by 7
//at some point it will have to be larger than 93, if its larger than 93, set it to 100.
_alpha = 100;
newx = (_x -= rateOfChange); // to keep things uncomplicated newx is a new variable determining the new _x position of the clip.
//as -156 is the lowest value of _x that is gonna be used in the movie, it will HAVE to be _x - = rateOfchange.
//Anyway the above code decreases the _x value at a rate of 7 each frame.
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { // I could have put this in the loop above but its easy to pick out and change in its own loop.
if (newx<-155) { // at some point the _x value will be smaller that -155
//because its decreasing at a rate of 7 each frame. when it is smaller that -155
_x = -156; // set the value to -156 which is the final position of the pointer until another button is pressed.
The code for the other buttons is very similar, just dif “trip” values and x and y positions.
Your code looks pretty similar, I’m too tired to look over code right now, but if you still having trouble when I wake up I’ll take a look for you. at a glance your code seems to be very nearly correct at least, check these things :
**make sure the movie clip you are controlling has an instance name, or you won’t be able to control it.
secondly, when your buttons are pressed you need to set the value inside the movie clip itself. to do this you add the following :
on (release) {
pointer.trip = 4; // (movieclipname.value = new value)
// for you it would be movieclipname.moveIT = True
my code without commentary =
onClipEvent (load) {
trip = 0;
rateOfChange = 7;
_alpha = 0;
_x = 156;
_y = -94;
_rotation = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (trip == 4) {
_y = 95;
_rotation = 180;
_alpha += rateOfChange;
if (_alpha>93) {
_alpha = 100;
newx = (_x -= rateOfChange);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (newx<-155) {
_x = -156;
Hope something there helps!