Action Script3 gurus i need your help!

I’m looking for someone that can sit down with my project i’m working on and work out 2 simple problems for me.
I need this worked out asap, as I’m under a time crunch to get this published (this Friday).

I am incorporating papervision3d 2.0 (a simple primitive, the cube) to showcase some of my work (the sides are small thumbnails of my work), and when the user clicks on one of the sides it expands the image to screen to full size. I have it loading the sides when the user clicks on it, but i can not get it to unload the fullsize image and go back to the cube when the user clicks the full size image.

The 2nd problem is getting my website buttons to load the papervision swf because it keeps throwing me a 1009 error.
I think it’s because I’m calling something that isn’t there, but I’m clueless on how to resolve it and I’ve discussed it before with no help.

If anyone can help me with this i will glady send them the links to download the source files with all the problem information in them and what not.
I neeeeeed help bad :frowning: … please someone be so kind?
Please let me know and i’ll pm you the links or i can e-mail it w/e.