Actions only enabled on mouse over

Hi there, I have a problem I can´t resolve, in the attached file there are 2 MC, I want to activate the ball_mc only when I´m over other MC. I tried multiple things but I can´t manage to find what is the problem, can you of the gurus take a look at it please.


//jagunco boy

I don’t understand your code:

meover.onEnterFrame = function() { // WHAT IS MEOVER??
	var acceleration = 10;
	var friction = .80;
	maxX = 760;
	minX = 0;
	ball_mc.moveToMouse = function() { // BAD IDEA TO DECLARE A FCT LIKE THAT
		var xdif = this.targetX-this._x;
		this.xspeed += xdif/this._parent.acceleration;
		this.xspeed *= this._parent.friction;
		this._x += this.xspeed;
	ball_mc.checkDistance = function() {
		if (Math.abs(this.targetX-this._x)<0.2) {
			this._x = this.targetX;
	ball_mc.onMouseMove = function() {
		if ((_root._xmouse>=minX) && (_root._xmouse<=maxX)) {
			this.targetX = this._parent._xmouse;
			this.onEnterFrame = this.moveToMouse;
		} else {
			this.targetX = this._parent._x;

Can you explain a bit?

Hi there, I rebuild the file. I want to have the effect on the red square only happens when the mouse hits the blue square.

thanks for trying to help me

// jagunco