Actionscript 2.0 CS3
I want the button to rotate the selected movieclip in the array. Every movieclip in the array has the button with the same name.
every time i press the rotate button the ‘_root.ho’ movieclip rotates unless i replace ‘note._rotation += 10;’ with ‘this._rotation += 10;’ then only the button inside the selected movieclip spins
Any help or thoughts would be great, thks
var notes = new Array();
notes[0] = _root.ho;
notes[1] = _root.ho2;
notes[2] = _root.ho3;
notes[3] = _root.ho4;
notes[4] = _root.ho5;
notes[5] = _root.ho6;
for (i in notes) {
note = notes*;
note.right_btn.onPress = function() {
note._rotation += 10;