ActionScript 2.0 video problem

I’ve set up a NetStream object that I’m loading a video into, and the video starts playing when I roll over a button. When I roll away from the button, the video stops playing.

For the most part, this works, but if I quickly hover over the button and then rollOut immediately, the video keeps playing. It only works properly if I hover over the button, wait for the video to start playing and THEN roll away from it.

How do I fix this??? Here’s my ActionScript:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);

var startWidth:Number = mask_mc._width;
var maxWidth:Number = Stage.width;
var tweenOver:Tween;
var tweenOut:Tween;

inv_btn.onRollOver = function() {
tweenOver = new Tween(mask_mc,"_width",Regular.easeOut,startWidth,maxWidth,1,true);
tweenOver.onMotionFinished = function() {“bungee_ball.flv”);

inv_btn.onRollOut = function(){
tweenOut = new Tween(mask_mc,"_width",Regular.easeOut,mask_mc._width,startWidth,1,true);