Hi, I’ve just started with actionscript 3 in flash 9 alpha. Its great and a lot of it seems to be an improvement… except key events!
Now normally I would do something like
if(Key.isDown(39)) _x++;
to move something to the right, but in as3 The only way i’ve discovered to do it so far is to go
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDown)
then add a function which acts on keydown, using KeyCode or CharCode to tell which key has been pressed.
The problem with this is that it acts more like onKeyPress rather than
onEnterFrame{ if(keyisDown) } in actionscript 2, ie its not a constantt thing, so the movement is jumpy. Is there any efficient way to do what i would have done in actionscript 2 in the past?
Thanks for any help!!