Actionscript 3 version of 'Transitions Between External SWFs'

****In 2004, a brilliant tutorial was published on Kirupa by Voetsjoeba entitled ‘Transitions Between External SWFs’.

I’ve been using it ever since. Trouble is, its in ActionScript 2 and I really need to make the move to ActionScript 3. Has anyone got an ActionScript 3 version? I’m just a designer so I’m very limited when it comes to understanding code


It’d be possible to convert, but I don’t think anyone is hoarding a secret, hidden AS3 version.

Either jump in and have a go at converting it to AS3, or stay with AS2 (which is still a viable option for the foreseeable future) :slight_smile:

I don’t know if this is what your talking about but, couldn’t you just load the swf offstage, then do whatever transition you wanted with it. Ie set alpha to zero, place it onstage, then blur in etc

[QUOTE=dthought;2358672]It’d be possible to convert, but I don’t think anyone is hoarding a secret, hidden AS3 version.

Either jump in and have a go at converting it to AS3, or stay with AS2 (which is still a viable option for the foreseeable future) :)[/QUOTE]

Thanks Dthought - I think I might stick with AS2 for a little longer

[QUOTE=saxx;2358684]I don’t know if this is what your talking about but, couldn’t you just load the swf offstage, then do whatever transition you wanted with it. Ie set alpha to zero, place it onstage, then blur in etc[/QUOTE]

Hi Saxx

The beauty of this transition is that, on a button click, the current movie carries on playing to its conclusion then the new movie plays and stops half way through. This enables the outgoing movie to leave the stage in style rather than just abruptly disappear to make way for the new one. That’s why I think its so cool.

But let me know if you know of anything else like it …