Actionscript a color transform and scale - Is this even possible?

i’m relatively new to actionscript and have a problem i cannot seem to find any help with.

I have a movie clip that I would like to define the color of with a text file. No problem there, have figured this out by loading the .txt file with rgb values… However:

Is there a way in script to say: on rollOver, make a clip transition to a lighter shade of that pre-defined rgb color -AND- scale it up a bit to make it appear to move forward, then on rollOut make the clip transition back to it’s original color and scale back to the starting point?

I’ve definitely tried this over and over again with mixed results! Obviously this is simple to do with code like this:

for (i=0; i<51; i++) {
var mm = _root.clipContainer_mc[“myclip_mc”+(i+1)];
mm.onRollOver = function(){
mm.onRollOut = function(){
mm.onDragOut = function(){
mm.onReleaseOutside = function(){

The above code makes the clip play a predefined scaling and tinting motion tween animation BUT i was looking to make this work dynamically in order to use the .txt file as a color style sheet to change the base color of each clip on the fly, and having the code tell it to just tween or transform the tint or hue while scaling.

Any help is VERY APPRECIATED!!! Thanks in advance