Anyone know of any good AS editors? preferable free?
cheers (-:
Anyone know of any good AS editors? preferable free?
cheers (-:
mmm okay good, good I’m liking it…
any advances? like something with keyword colouration and all that malarky?
There’s something called sci|Te Flash or something wierd like that. If you google actionscript editors I’m sure you’ll find it.
excellent! thanks all! =)
**** it!!!
wait … waaait … i’ll just get my coat!
lmao - is that word so bad !? hehe
Also free and surely as good:
"What is SE|PY?
SE|PY is a FREE ActionScript editor for Macromedia Flash files. If you’re currently not satisfied with the Flash IDE editor or you’re already using Scite|Flash (also a great editor!) you maybe interested in this editor.
Some features
Code folding (collapsing/expand) , code highlighting
Auto Completion for default flash functions
Auto Completion with the user added functions (in current document only)
View documents in tab mode
Panel with all inserted functions for all active documents (switch do function line when selecting an item)
Shell execute program (execute external program passing arguments)
Added Flush Support (Flush, compile, test movie, view output)
Print out and save html document from your .as files
Smart Snippet panel, todo panel, file panel, flash api panel
Check Syntax implementation
In this way all the shortcuts, coidehints and flash functions will be available also in the Editor
ClassBrowser integration
Lines Bookmarks
Flash mx 2004 project file integration
ClipBoard management
Flash MX 2004 Help panel (* only with Flash mx 2004 installed)
Program Menu localization (italian, english, francaise) "
say thanks:
How about just using flash?
Nah flash is giving me major headaches at the moment, it’ll randomly decide not to save certain blocks of code when I click save.
I’ve already lost at least 10hrs to it backtracking through what I’ve done and replacing the lost code.
I recently installed MX 04 pro hoping that would solve the problem but is doing exactly the same thing.
Anyway some of these editors have some really useful features the Flash editor doesn’t have
i use editplus.
you might also wan’t to try PrimalScript. It supports code hinting, code completion, syntax highlightg, etc… you’ll have to pay for it after the trial though.
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