Hello everyone, I’m new here, which I’m sure you’ve guessed.
I would like to create an animation similar to the one on the http://kirupa.com homepage for “Check Out the Winning Entries”; that being circles that move randomly by actionscript (I’m assuming that is how it’s done, otherwise feel free to correct me).
Can anyone volunteer a snippet that could set me on the right track to accomplishing this, or point to a tutorial for it? Once I get going I’m usually pretty good, but learning ActionScript has actually proven quite difficult.
Thank you, and I hope to contribute in some fashion to this site as soon as I know what the heck I’m doing
Thanks a lot, Wizard! That helped quite a bit. Question though …
In ActionScript, when using this.whatever, is it fair to say this refers to whatever you are coding the AS for? Such as an individual frame, movie clip, button, etc?
Just need clarification on that point. Thanks again!
As Deque says,“this” usually is a reference to the timeline but inside a callback function it refers to the object using the function.
myButton.onPress = function() {
This would give the name of the button and not the timeline.