Actionscript Menu Help

I need to create a menu that has dynamic content. It’ll be in a button until you click it, when extended, i want it to stay open until you either click outside the menu, or click something in the menu.
Thanks in advance…

well firstly make the movie clip so that in frame 1 the menu is in the closed position and put a stop(); right here and name the frame “closed”. then, make the second frame of the movie clip the menu in the open position and also put a stop(); and name the frame “open” . Now place these actions on the movie clip as a whole…

on(press) {
on(releaseOutside) {

anything else can be added easily once you know this.

the way you told me to do it, i have to hold the mouse button, and release on the link, i wanted it to work like the multi-box component, where you click, it opens and stays open, until you release on a link, or move outside of the menu’s edge.

isnt someone gonna help???

Let’s see the code you tryed. You can’t expect someone to just bust out an example for you.

Help yourself first and others with be more then willing to help when you run into trouble :wink: