Actionscript Optimize Program?

I am currently developing a game, it’s getting very complex… At the start I started off using ‘speed’ naming conventions (to speed up the game), however the game is now starting to become REAL big, and I’m starting to get confused with my ‘fa’ ‘fb’ ‘fc’ ‘fd’ variable names…

I would like to know if there is a program that reduces variable names from my_variabl_one to single/double/triple letter variables.

Also, is there a program that automatically set’s local variables??

like when you accidently forget to set it in a major loop, the program automatically puts in the new var for you (also speeds up things)

I know that the newer versions of flash are alot better at these things, however I am trying to maximize compatability so I’m using flash 6. (or do you think I should use a newer flash version, and just save it for 6??)

Right now my game is just at, or over 2,000 lines of code, which have alot of math… The main reason for the enormous amount of lines is because of my variable renameing…