ActionScript problem: function sequencing

hello… i’m using Flash 8 to create an interactive map of a city, and i’ve come across an actionscript problem that i can’t solve on my own.

the map has a navigation menu like a website… each button causes certain buildings in the map to glow. when you click another button, it stops the previous animations and starts a different set of animations for another group of buildings. that works fine, but if i click the same button two times in a row, the animation stops and won’t start again unless i click another button to start things over. anyway, i’ve simplified my code into this:

function stopAnimation() {

button_1.onRelease = function() {

button_2.onRelease = function() {

the basic idea is that i have a function that stops all the animations. this is necessary because in the actual map (not the simplified code above) there are about 40 sets of animations that i need to stop repeatedly. so, on my buttons, i first call the stopAnimation() function to stop all the animations. then i start another set of animations. it seems like, since i use the stopAnimation() function in the first line, it should be all clear by the second line and the animation should start over when the button is pressed.

so why doesn’t it work when i click the button a second time? it has something to do with the order of the functions, or maybe with my misunderstanding of how gotoAndStop/gotoAndPlay operate. anyway, if someone can help me with this, i will finally be able to fix this little quirk and finish the project… thanks in advance to anyone who can spare a few minutes to help out.