Actionscript slideshow [Trade services]


I'm a former Kirupa regular who has lost touch with Flash(I was disgruntled about AS3). I now run a [fairly large real estate website](

[SIZE=“4”]What I Need[/SIZE]
I’m looking for an individual to develop a Flash app that will allow me (the end user indirectly) to send a file to this app with a list of images and optionally an mp3. I need this app to interpret this data into a ken burns effect slideshow that will retain the order of the files in the data format. Also it needs to be able to play the mp3 file sent as well. The data format may be dictated by you, I can assemble anything you need (XML, JSON, MySQL connection, etc.). There is no requirement for clicking through photos, selectable display times, no other variables, just the data.

[SIZE=“4”]What I Can Offer In Return[/SIZE]
As this is a startup, I’m pretty tight on costs. I am however willing to offer my programming services. I am fluent in heavy Javascript, Python, C, C++ and SQL. I primarily do development with Django/Python on the server-side. I have a large amount of knowledge about linux system administration, load balancing, high-availability, and scaling. My real estate venture has taught me a ton about SEO and web standards. I am also very fluent with Mootools and can make quick work of a custom menu, lightbox, image gallery, etc. I can write from scratch to spec. Many users on this site can verify my attention to detail and technical abilities.

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