Actionscripter - U$15/h

I’m an experienced web developer who wants to become a master actionscripter. I’m looking for as many AS projects as I can handle, in order to get more hands on experience. I made a similar post a few months ago on Ultrashock, and since then got two projects (one with AS1 and the other with AS2), and have been studying like crazy:

  • Flash Remoting (integration with PHP and J2EE backends)
  • Custom component building
  • OO techniques
  • XML-driven interfaces

I have 5 years of web development experience, I know PHP/MySQL, a little J2EE, and have loads of experience with handcoded HTML/JavaScript front ends.

I’m an American/Brazilian developer now based in Brazil (with previous experience in NYC).

…and I’m in bad need of work! I’m available full-time, immediately. (old site… from when I was learning flash basics. I’m working on a new one, and will post it here for a critique later on).

Any comments or tips on how to get this experience would be much appreciated… And I will give a 10% comission for any leads that land me a gig.

sorry for the long post.

ps I’m NOT trying to bring the actionscript freelance rates down. I’m just cutting my cost in compensation for my learning curve.