I am having some trouble adapting gnu’s really cool calendar into an external swf. It works great on it’s own but as soon as I try to load it into a movieclip in a main file it stops working.
I am 99% sure this is a path issue but there are so many places to change the path that I am confusing myself.
There is a .as file where everything is referenced by ‘this’ which in my mind doesn’t need to be touched. The one place I changed was:
calendarMC = _root.calendar;
textBox = _root.events_txt;
calendarMC = _root.loadclip.calendar;
textBox = _root.loadclip.events_txt;
where loadclip is the name of the empty mc on the main file. Since everything else is reference by ‘this’ and there are no other references to _root it shoudl work. The buttons that change the month and year load in as well as the text box but the individual days don’t load and the buttons that do load don’t work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.