addChild() doesn't seem to work

K, I know pretty simple right? It’s been trumping me for quite a while now though.
I have a fla file with a movieclip with the linkage B. That fla file also imports the class by com.mysite.testing.TestClass and instances it in the actions panel.
I also have my as file

package com.mysite.testing
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.*;
    public class TestClass extends Sprite
        private var symbol1:B;
        public function TestClass()
            trace("TestClass working");
            symbol1 = new B;

This is the code in the actions panel

import com.mysite.testing.TestClass;
var classDodge:TestClass = new TestClass();

When I test it though all I get is the output panel saying TestClass working.
This addChild seems to follow me wherever I go, new class and fla files…
I have set the preference for class file location and I have automatically declare stage instances unchecked.